If you are new to San Diego or ICCSD, we respect your desire to remain anonymous or gradually become immersed into this international community. We have a hospitality team that desires to invite you in a way that best welcomes you. You have the option of emailing us ahead of time so we can look forward to meeting you. Or you may let our greeters know that you are new or just quietly enjoying the presence of God in our church sanctuary. Fill in the contact card if you desire prayer, or if you would like to talk to the leadership about issues or require more information about ICCSD.

Weekly Wednesday Night Caregroups
We believe in cultivating a strong sense of belonging at ICCSD. Without a strong sense of belonging in a community of grace, it would be difficult to mature and deepen our relationship with God and with one another. We believe that because God welcomes us unconditionally, we want to be able to express that same character in the relationships in our lives. This becomes an expression and consequence of the Gospel of grace in our lives.
We meet on Wednesdays to renew our minds by reviewing the sermon and encourage one another with prayer and fellowship.
Children and youth are a critical part of our church and community life. We partner alongside Indonesian Evangelical Church (GII) to offer excellent programs for all levels that include nursery, elementary, middle and high school. Check with our welcome team to find out more about our children and youth ministries.

Yes! All are welcome to join. We have Weekly Care Groups that are designed for cultivating a deeper sense of belonging. Join us also for the lunch that is scheduled twice a month at the end of the Sunday church worship!